AIs as a Tool: Why Human Judgment Still Matters in Marketing

Dominic Banguis
4 min readApr 17, 2023


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly disrupted several industries in recent months, but the idea that these technologies will replace human marketers is simply not true. Instead, AI should be viewed as a tool to aid marketers in their work, providing valuable insights and automating repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on more strategic efforts. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of AI in marketing and the importance of human judgment in creating successful campaigns.

The Benefits of AI in Marketing

One of the most significant advantages of AI is its ability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global AI market size is expected to grow from USD 58.3 billion in 2021 to USD 309.6 billion by 2026, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 39.7% during the forecast period. This means marketers can use AI to understand customer behavior and preferences, identify patterns, and predict future trends.

Automating Repetitive Tasks

Another benefit of AI is its ability to automate repetitive tasks that would otherwise be time-consuming and tedious for human marketers. For example, AI can automate email marketing campaigns, personalizing messages based on customer data and behavior. It can also analyze social media data, automatically responding to comments and messages, or flagging issues that require human intervention. According to a survey by Salesforce, 64% of marketers who use AI say that it has increased their overall efficiency.

The Role of Human Judgment in Marketing

While AI is a powerful tool for marketers, it’s important to note that it cannot replace human creativity, empathy, and intuition. Successful marketing campaigns require a deep understanding of human emotions, values, and desires — something that AI simply cannot replicate. As a marketer, your job is to create a brand message that resonates with your audience, and that requires a human touch.

The Art and Science of Marketing

The best marketing campaigns are a combination of art and science, leveraging data and insights to create a compelling message that connects with customers on an emotional level. AI can provide the data and insights, but it’s up to human marketers to use that information to craft a story that resonates with their audience. According to a survey by Adobe, 68% of consumers say that a brand’s personality is a key factor in their purchasing decision. This highlights the importance of human creativity and judgment in creating a brand message that resonates with customers.

The Importance of Human Judgment in Critical Situations

Another area where human-operated machines excel over AI is in situations where split-second decisions are critical, such as fighter pilots. While AI can process vast amounts of information quickly, it cannot replicate the decision-making skills of a human pilot in a high-pressure situation. Similarly, in marketing, human judgment and decision-making are critical in situations where context and nuance matter. For example, a social media crisis requires a human marketer to understand the specific nuances of the situation and craft a response that reflects the brand’s values and culture.

The Future of Marketing with AI

As the use of AI in marketing continues to grow, it’s important to consider how it will impact the industry in the future. According to a survey by Forbes, 84% of marketers believe that AI will enable them to gain a competitive advantage in their industry.

However, it’s important to note that the technology is still in its infancy, and there is much to learn about its capabilities and limitations. As AI continues to evolve, marketers will need to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and find ways to integrate the technology into their strategies while still maintaining a human touch.

Furthermore, AI should be viewed as a tool to aid marketers in their work, not replace them. The benefits of AI in marketing are clear, from its ability to analyze vast amounts of data to automating repetitive tasks. However, it’s important to remember that AI cannot replicate the creativity, empathy, and intuition of human marketers, which are essential for creating successful campaigns.

The best marketing campaigns are a combination of art and science, leveraging data and insights to create a compelling message that resonates with customers. While AI can provide the data and insights, it’s up to human marketers to use that information to craft a story that connects with their audience on an emotional level.

It’s also important to note that there are situations where human-operated machines, such as fighter pilots, excel over AI. In marketing, human judgment and decision-making are critical in situations where context and nuance matter. This is particularly important in crises, where human marketers need to understand the specific nuances of the situation and craft a response that reflects the brand’s values and culture.

As AI continues to evolve, marketers will need to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and find ways to integrate the technology into their strategies while still maintaining a human touch. AI is not a replacement for human marketers but a tool to aid them in their work. With the right balance of technology and creativity, marketers can create campaigns that resonate with their audience and drive results.


In conclusion, the marketing industry needs to view AI as a valuable tool that can help marketers gain insights and automate repetitive tasks. However, it’s important to remember that AI cannot replace the creativity, empathy, and intuition of human marketers. As the industry continues to evolve, marketers should embrace AI while maintaining a human touch, creating campaigns that resonate with customers and drive business results.

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Dominic Banguis

Scaling Startups with Data-Driven Marketing Strategies | Web3, AI, Crypto, Blockchain, SaaS, and FinTech